Friday 31 August 2012

Lavender Topiaries

I am wondering if it is even POSSIBLE to keep my lavender topiaries ALIVE this winter? I seem to be able to kill plants quite easily no matter the season! Green thumb? NOPE! not here! Do I keep them inside or out? Do I prune them down? ANY help would be GREATLY appreciated! 

Wednesday 29 August 2012

In The Livingroom Today

our 6x6 cupboard

my beautiful daughter with lady bug tattoos!

sipping on a tea looking at my Romantic Prairie Style book

no one seems to know where the other childs chair is....we were all too lazy to look for it!

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Curbside Find gets a Second Chance


Out for a drive one day, my husband and I passed this chair on the side of the road. I forgot to take a real BEFORE photo so the paint and trim removal is all me. I had hosed it off & washed it and let it dry outside for a few days before bringing it in to get started.
I painted it with Old White ASCP, distressed it with a sanding block and then added both clear and dark AS waxes. I then got out the upholstery stapler and recovered the seat with a burlap potato sack. I added plain burlap tot he backrest and actually STENCILED on the lettering with Graphite ASCP to match the seat.  

I also recovered the back of the chair with a nice burlap potato sack that had pretty lettering. I then hot glued some extra lengths of burlap to make a piping type edge as well. Not bad for a curbside find!

Monday 27 August 2012

The Value of a Moment

Last year as I watched the kids waiting for the bus, I noticed my daughter was in her own little world just dancing away. She looked so beautiful! As I watched her gracefully twirling around, the bright morning sun was shining on her- I couldn't let that moment slip by without trying to snap a photo of it and I'm so glad I did. Unfortunately, as time goes by we seem to forget important details and most importantly  how a moment 'made us feel'  -but if you're lucky enough to catch it in a pic it actually helps you remember the feeling you had 'at that moment'. #oneofmymommymoments

Saturday 25 August 2012

Our Family

Comforts of Home

medicine cabinet

my trip to A Day in the Country Show & Sale

goodies from Kim Davies/ tatteredandtorn

My T

stenciled 5 minute cushions

the wingback I slipcovered-that tested my sanity!

another dilemma! what to do with this headboard!?

my 'office' area


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