Sunday 23 September 2012

Evening Walks

We love our family walks around our picturesque farm. The kids are always excited, they wonder what  wild animal they might get to see. Wild turkeys, deer, fox,  coyotes, rabbits-you name it-it passes through the orchard. On this particular walk there was a wild turkey that ran passed us. The orchard remains pretty throughout the seasons. This year was the worst on record for producing fruit. Early in the season it fought frosts, a hail storm, and one of the worst droughts  that this area has ever seen. The Empire trees barely produced but surprisingly,  the Red Delicious did quite well. Fall is near, the colors will change, the apples will fall and the cycle will start again-hopefully next year the trees will produce heavily. Hope you enjoyed this little   peek into our country life.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Feeling a little BLUE

Why Willow Why?

 WHY? WHY? WHY? does Willow feel the need to sleep in my potted plant?! Why would that be more comfortable than a nice fluffy duvet?? She gets dirt all over her long hair  and leaves a trail when she is done her nap!! I have enough people to clean up after in this house!

And WHY? is she so darn cute? cuz I look at her and I just can't give her heck!?! DARN cat!

Thursday 13 September 2012

Just thought I'd Share!

I use very inexpensive cotton 'shop rags' or  'shop towels'  as DISHCLOTHS!  You can buy a bag full for a few dollars at local hardware stores, Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot.  I have them in white and off-white. They are kind of  'nubby' so it helps scrub dishes and wipe sticky counters & tables, they are bleachable, dry quickly and they are PRETTY!

Tuesday 11 September 2012

First Day of School~ September 11th, 2012.

My daughter started school today on SEPTEMBER 11th. I cried my eyes out as the bus left with her, but comforted that her 4 older siblings will care for her. Someone had made a comment about her starting school today and it being bad that the date was Sept 11th, but I am very PROUD that she started school today-because Sept 11th is a very special day-I remember where I was this day in 2001 and I can still cry at the thought of it today, it was the day when people survived , heroes gave their lives and most importantly
 people from around the world came together.  Today is another day in history a very special day for me-I can hold both memories deep in my heart without a bad feeling at all that my daughter started school today on September 11th.

Monday 10 September 2012

My facebook page hit 3000 LIKES!

Today is a little EXCITING! my facebook page hit 3000 LIKES! It's amazing what a little SHARING can do! I LOVE seeing all the beauty out there on facebook, pinterest, blogs, picturetrails and I have met some very talented and wonderful ladies! I decided to do a little sharing myself and my page caught the eye of a stylist, photographer AND Fifi O'Neill! So you never know where it will lead!!! :)))

Sunday 9 September 2012

A Farm Style Sink

 If ever we move-a Farm Style Sink is #1 on my must-have list!

 I appreciate it EVERY day!

 I ALSO appreciate fresh hydrangeas! and wish I could have them every day!

 No matter where we live I know I can make my own farmhouse style kitchen

just some extra pretties!

lavender soap~pretty details
on Monday, we are going to 'look' (JUST look!) at a house that is for sale-as you know a LOT goes into buying & selling a home! but it kinda makes me excited imagining making a new farmstyle kitchen! and a Farm Style Sink is definitely a MUST-HAVE!

Monday 3 September 2012

Is it a keeper??

So here is one of the ROAD KILL finds my sister in law got for us-what do you think?

isn't it purdy?!

I washed it, had to sand some of it & then painted the bottom section with MMS milk paint
Miss Mustard Seed's IRONSTONE milk paint from Homestead House Paint Company in Toronto

what do you think? 

is it a keeper??


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