Tuesday 30 October 2012

French Soap

It's a little obvious at how much time I have been spending with my new French Soap but I just can't help it, it's SO pretty! I am definitely going to have to get me some more! I got mine from 1871 Farmhouse. I also got the linen towel from there too! http://1871farmhouse.blogspot.ca/

Friday 26 October 2012

Waterford Antique Market

 Yummy goods from a recent purchase at Waterford Antique Market.

Finally! I got my 'first' large block of French SOAP from 1871 Farmhouse booth at Waterford Antique Market.

Sunday 21 October 2012

October Warmth

Adding heavy blankets, candles, fall colors AND my new jute rug  really adds warmth to our living room this October.

slippers, sweaters & heavy blankets are a must in October! 

October harvest

Apples leftover from harvest

now, this isn't really MY idea of fall decor-but it makes the kids happy! 
I brightened this pic up and added it-the other one was a little dark


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