Monday 30 November 2015

This Green Hutch & We're MOVING!

We recently sold our farm.
I am completely overwhelmed with it all.
I feel good, I feel bad.
I am excited, I am sad. 

We will rent a local 5 bedroom farmhouse until the right place comes along to purchase.
It is much smaller than this place and we are going to have to put a lot of things in storage or why not just SELL?
I'm not going to feel settled until we can actually purchase and have MY OWN HOME again.
That part is going to be VERY hard for me!
I have dreams of what this right place might look like and what I am going to do with it.
I get excited thinking about designing a new kitchen! It's the kitchen that I care about most.
Probably because it seems I spend most of my time there preparing food or washing dishes given we are a family of 7!

I recently posted on facebook and instagram about selling this fabulous green hutch.
I havent really even thought it through!
the hubs told me to keep it!

YET as usual I have an overwhelming need to change things
and since I have had the opportunity to LOVE this hutch while it's been here
I also think about having the opportunity to LOVE something different in the future.
It's ironic that Miss Mustard Seed made a recent blog post about designing her future freestanding kitchen!
her plans are so similar to MINE!
I love the idea of a freestanding kitchen and my mind has been going crazy lately about it and I've been searching pinterest for ideas CONSTANTLY! cuz well, you know how we all love pinterest! 
What's even more ironic is that she included THIS GREEN HUTCH in her post!??!
So I have to ask myself DO I REALLY WANT TO SELL THIS??
Should this piece be a part of my own freestanding kitchen!?
You can read her fabulous post HERE

So anyways, big changes coming our way peeps!
Please hang in there with me during this very emotional time
I really hope to purchase and get settled into our own new place as soon as possible!
Thanks for all the support so far!


  1. Life is made up of choices, adventures and new journeys. Each corner we turn is fresh and new . . . here's wishing your new adventures will be magnificent :) Congratulations on sells your home.

  2. Hi Melanie,
    Yes bitter sweet, I remember selling two of my homes and moving on to a small investment home that I have been in longer then planned.
    I made a small butcher center island that got me once thinking of a freestanding kitchen and truly how much of a savinings if I were to find a fixer upper and just lined up pieces of use and storage and then built long working islands out of 2x4's and 2x6's with shelving and I would have wonderful counters and storage on the major cheap with a European farmhouse feel.

    Not sure you should sell the green hutch, I fell I'm love with it in a minute of seeing it in your kitchen replacing what was in its place. The wear, and rustic beauty makes these rarer replacements. I really crambed the best pieces into a smaller home as well, and never advise storage only due to the mounting fees that once you resettle and bring out the pieces from storage you then ask why did I pay so much to store when I could just re-buy?

    Perhaps you could store in a garage keeping storage at a minimal and giving yourself time to think it out in your new location.
    I vote keep the Green Hutch!

    Would that not make a really cute blog NAME?.... " THE GREEN HUTCH "


  3. Melanie, a new life, wow... I wish you all the best for the new dreams to come true. Looking for posts in a new world of yours, greetings from Méa, who in a few years will do this too

  4. Congratulations on selling. I love the hutch and think it would be perfect for a freestanding kitchen, which incidentally is a dream of my own. Good luck with the move.

  5. After doing a similar thing and still having regrets 5 years later, I recommend you move with the cabinet and let life settle down. If you still want to sell it, you always can do it later.

  6. I would love to buy your hutch !!!!!!!!!!!!! I vote you better keep it can always sell it later on ........good luck ....and let me know althought shipping to cape cod (unless you want a mini vacation in my cottage) .............would be pricey so sweet xo Lorraine

  7. Hey you...I know how you is a confusing time indeed. Just concentrate on how exciting it will be to have a new place to call home( not to mention a new place to decorate). You will be fine, don't stress too much and take the time to enjoy Christmas. xooxox

  8. I have a great idea just move those gorgeous primitive green cabinet over to my house ! LOL
    I would keep it for sure, anyway till after you get moved and see it in your new kitchen

  9. I know that feeling...I moved this summer from the island but I LOVE the new place and the house here!
    You will be fine, I promise!
    Love from Titti



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