
Monday 2 March 2015

After school snack! (creamy potato soup)

My kids LOVE the creamy potato soup I make.
Here it is with a dollop of sour cream! YUMMO!
It doesn't last too long so I try to get a bowl right away!
Today I made it for an after school snack-the kids usually come home quite HANGRY! Yes hangry! (When you are so hungry that your lack of food causes you to become angry, frustrated or both) 
 I don't have time to measure-or maybe it's that I'm too lazy? either way-I just throw stuff in!
Potatoes, carrots, celery, onions, s&p and a bay leaf.
 I just fill up the pot with water, bring it to a boil and then simmer for an hour or so.

 I have to remember to REMOVE the bay leaf before I...........
 give it a little whirl with my hand held blender- I mulch it up but I also leave some chunks.
I added some parsley and ham that I had cut up into small pieces I will also add some chicken broth & cream

 In a small saucepan I melt a chunk of BUTTER! ~because everything tastes better with butter!
...........and I add some white rice flour
 I cook the flour for a couple minutes and then add some cream and wait for it to thicken up.
 Then pour that concoction into the soup! (sometimes I add some corn starch-which I did today as well- remember to mix it up with a little cold water first)
NOW!!-if you thought the butter was BAD-wait till you get a load of THIS!-I then add a BLOB or two of bacon fat!! YEP! old school cook over here! I DO try to eat rather healthy but seriously sometimes if you want some FLAVOR-you gotta add the FAT!
 ......and then to top it all off -for even more flavor-I add 2 tsp of this Knorr chicken flavoring.
I let it simmer a little longer and then.....
IT'S READY!!! now this is when you have to get a bowl or two as fast as possible because in a house with 7 or more people-it doesn't last long!!