
Sunday 25 January 2015

Winter blues?

I guess I have the winter blues?  I feel myself trying desperately to make our home seem springy. By putting away winter decor (which I didn't have much of anyways) to infusing springy colors. How about you?


  1. You have a truly beautiful home and such a good idea to add a splash of spring here and there, love the lemons shot.

  2. It's comin Mel, I saw daffodils in the store yesterday. . . grown somewhere besides MT or Canada that's for sure. But it was a gentle reminder its on it's way. . .

  3. It is very grey here in California! I hear ya! Love the pops of yellow from the lemons.

  4. Here in VA, we've had warmer temps this winter ~ but I am 'spring-ing' up our old farmhouse too :)

  5. How can anything feel less then beautiful year around here. It's a place of calm, comforting the soul....yes the little sweet pop of yellow did it for me, still so natural and not competing with the lack of colour in your home of naturals. I have you on my side bar of inspiration and when I see a new post I run over to see knowing I will be lifted with an awwww feeling that so inspires so much more.

    Let your home comfort you in these darker colder days, spring will be here before we know it and it will share new things.

    Always a treat to see a new post.
    Come visit my place where I have been embracing farmhouse knits in my post these colder days.


  6. Hi Melanie, it has been snowing all day here in Slovakia... I was really looking forward to spring (we had a warm winter so far), but now I have to enjoy snow and cold days :-) Can`t wait spring to come too... xoxo, Alexandra

  7. Hello guess we must bear with the season....snow coming here on cape cod this week......Im trying to stay cozy and productive.......baking, sewing........etc.....stay warm Lorraine

  8. Hello there...I have decided to embrace using some red/brown color to the picture.
    Some pomegranates in a mustard brown bowl on an old sideboard does it for me. I got a gorgeous bouquet of flowers recently in a gorgeous dark red...perfect! I have a candle melting away on the buffet ...all seems fine with me...I do like to enjoy the winter snow glow with some color. I'm looking forward to Spring too , but may as well enjoy the winter too. It's here anyway:) I must say I was on Notforgotten Farm blog the other day and she had some Faux Cythia in a tin bucket....and oh my...did it look real. Ok , now I'm dreaming too.
    Have a great week ...hugs Marg.

  9. I too have been doing the same thing.. I am not a winter person, at all. So I just got rid of anything winterish, and through in a few florals, and brought my creams and blues and greens back out! I feel so refreshed now! :) Love your springy touches!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Love your pictures and displays.
    be blessed

  12. Such a soothing room and I am really loving that wood, rustic cabinet. Textures tell a story like no other. Thanks for sharing such beautiful pics.

    Big hug

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  14. all so beautiful!
    thanks for sharing it.

    be blessed

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